
At the February 26, 2019 Park Board of Trustees meeting a completed copy of the new proposed business plan was presented with a unanimous motion to accept the plan and produce a handout for community education. This plan, inspired by the community driven AECOM Master Plan, focuses revenue generation around user activities. Recommended amenities included an offshore fishing structure on the channel, a 65 space overnight camping facility, trailheads, walking trails and a 2,897 square foot open-air interpretative center. 

Next steps for this project include a more comprehensive wetland delineation to guide the development; work with the Coast Guard for channel side fishing opportunities and; research for overnight camping amenities.

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Below is a flyover of the East End Lagoon from February of 2019. When looking at the map above, you will be able to envision where the new amenities will be placed on the property below.

Below is a flyover, driving southeast down Boddeker Dr, of the East End Lagoon from February of 2019. When looking at the map above, you will be able to envision where the new amenities will be placed on the property below.